Visit North Park University and learn more about our undergraduate admissions process.


How to Apply


如果你在开始之前对如何申请有疑问, the steps below will guide you through creating an account and gathering the items needed to complete your application. 一旦启动了应用程序, 你可以随时返回, using the same email address and password to log in to submit it or update your contact information.


Common Application

North Park也是Common Application的成员之一.  Students do not need to submit more than one application to be considered for admission at North Park.  For those students interested in using the Common App, please access below.

Apply with Common App


北公园全年接受申请. For your best chance at being accepted to North Park and receiving the best financial aid package available, take note of 这些重要的日期和建议的截止日期.

在开始申请之前, 你应该确定你要成为哪种类型的本科生. Indicating your correct “student type” will ensure you get all the questions and application fields you need.

  • 大多数高中毕业后马上要上大学的学生都会申请 first-year students.
  • 如果你上过两年制或四年制的大学, and have 12 or more semester hours of college credit to transfer to North Park as a traditional undergraduate student, you should apply as a transfer student (see “Special Situations” below for other transfer options for nursing and adult learners).
  • If you are coming to school in the United States on a student visa, you will be an international student—either international first-year, international transfer, or international exchange.
  • 如果你想在北公园上几门课, 但他们不寻求学士学位, you can register as a non-degree-seeking /访问申请人.

Some majors—such as nursing, education, athletic training, and music-有特定的额外申请流程和先决条件, 在探索这些项目的过程中,你能学到更多什么. 你要表明你的意图 major on your application, no matter what it is, 这样我们就能确保你得到你可能需要的所有具体细节. 所有专业都要求你先申请并被北公园录取 在开始任何特定的专业或项目申请过程之前.

If you’re not sure which student type is right for you, or have any questions about the choices, 澳门网络赌博游戏的本科招生办公室我们会帮你弄明白的.

如果你从未在线登录过北公园的录取系统, 作为应用程序的一部分,您要做的第一件事是 create an account. 你要回答几个简单的问题,并提供你的联系方式. We’ll send you an email with a verification link to make sure we got your email address correct. Check your email and follow the instructions we’ve sent to verify your account, 然后你就可以登录并启动你的应用了.


If you have already started an application, you can continue or finish it by logging back in. As long as you haven’t submitted the application, you can continue to edit or add more information.

如果你已经提交了在线申请, 你也可以确保你提交了所有的补充材料 logging back in.

和你的在线申请一起, 为了做出录取决定,我们需要更多的信息. 你需要提交正式的高中和/或大学成绩单, one academic reference, and a personal essay. Additional instructions for submitting each of these items will be explained in the online application.

Prospective students will not be required to submit test scores for admission. Students who have already tested and wish to submit their scores may do so, 提交考试成绩只会有所帮助, not hurt, 你的录取机会. For more details 查看我们的完整入学标准.


  • ACT: 1098
  • SAT: 1556
  • TOEFL: 1556

You may also be asked to submit additional materials or complete a personal interview; your admissions counselor will talk with you about these items as they come up during your application process. Please note that any items submitted in support of your application become the property of North Park University and are not returned to you. If you are submitting hard copies of any application materials, please mail them to:

North Park University
Chicago IL 60625


Students who enroll at North Park represent a wide range of backgrounds and have attended high schools or colleges all over the country and the world. 不管你来自哪里, it’s important to make sure you’re ready for the academic rigor of college coursework. 检讨我们的录取标准.

Filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is integral to any college application process. Starting December 1, 2024, you can submit a FAFSA for the 2024–25 academic year. We recommend Illinois residents file no later than February 1 to ensure eligibility for the Illinois MAP Grant. 北公园的FAFSA代码是 001735

减少文书工作, North Park uses your FAFSA results to determine what University grants or loans you may be eligible for; there is no additional financial aid application form. 在北公园了解更多关于经济援助的信息.

北公园采用滚动入场政策, which means we make admission decisions based on the completion of each individual application (including supplemental materials). After your application file is complete, you can expect an admission decision within two weeks.

在你收到录取通知书和电子邮件之后, your next step is to confirm your intent to enroll at North Park University. You’ll receive a second email that includes your North Park ID and instructions for 设置你的大学网络账户 and email address. This is an important step and must be done before you can confirm your place by making your tuition deposit of $200.

设置您的帐户 and making your tuition deposit 也会确保你收到重要的经济援助信息吗, housing, 在你符合条件的时候尽早注册你的第一学期. Financial aid packages are typically sent in March; first-year registration begins in mid-April.

如果你知道你想去北公园,我们强烈建议你去 交学费押金 越早越好,而且一定要在6月1日之前. 如果你是春季学期的学生,截止日期是12月15日. 在此日期之后,押金将不再退还.

After 125 years, we’ve learned how to streamline the process of helping qualified applicants seek admission to North Park and find affordable ways to attend. If you don’t see what you’re looking for on our website, please contact us directly.

If you have questions or need assistance with your application, please contact the Admissions office.

Contact Admissions

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